We believe in helping brands that do good make a bigger impact on the world... and in making an impact ourselves. Not only is our work dedicated to seeing more good in the world, but our wallets are, too. Each quarter we select an organization to receive a portion of our revenue in support of the world changing work they do. 

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” 

Landmark Creative Co. supports small to medium-sized nonprofits on a mission to make a specific, often local impact on the human condition. If you have a cause that’s close to your heart and fits this criteria, we’d love to hear more

Helen Keller

After Caitlin's family member lost her brother to addiction after two years of sobriety, the Hollises turned tragedy into helping others. Bob Hollis and his family opened Plymouth Recovery Center in July 2017 to provide long-term recovery assistance for men and women like their son and brother, Rob. In its first year, the center saw over 3,000 visitors with 50 of those referred to treatment programs. At Plymouth those walking the path and those seeking the path of recovery can find peer counseling, AA and NA meetings, a program for families of children born with addiction, a grief support group, and even job and life skills training assistance. We greatly admire the resiliency of this family in the face of such grief and are honored to support their efforts this year. 

Plymouth Recovery Center 

2019 Give BAck